If I visited your company website, would you even know?
A company website is central to everything you do. It’s a validation that you exist and that, as a brand, you’re credible. A resource for information that (hopefully) engages your visitors and moves them toward becoming a customer and client.
Today, a company website has to extend the brand and tell your story. It has to engage and help convert visitors. As marketers we invest a lot of time, energy, and money, encouraging our prospective buyers to visit us.
SEO. PPC. Digital, Social and Ad campaigns. Inbound and Content marketing. Tradeshows, webinars, videos (the list goes on)… all of these efforts help drive traffic to your company website(s). But as marketers, we also have to acknowledge that we don’t control the buyer’s journey. Your visitors do. They’re the ones in charge of the buying process. And it’s all on their terms.
When you look at the stats for your company website, do you know who your visitors are? Or the organizations they represent?
Google Analytics can tell you how many repeat or new visitors your company website had on any given day. Which pages were viewed, the duration, bounce rate, demographics, even where they live. But GA can’t tell you who they are and it won’t tell you the companies they represent. So while this data is helpful for trend analysis, it isn’t very helpful for your lead generation or ABM campaigns and it doesn’t help your sales efforts.
Depending on your industry, research will tell you that anywhere between 60% and 83% of the buying process is completed before a buyer reaches out to someone in sales (they don’t say if that contact is with your sales team or a competitor’s).
Other research tells us that up to 92% of all traffic on your website leaves their session without ever filling out a form, or contacting you.
Those are huge numbers—representing a significant number of potential leads and sales that you probably have no idea about.
Time is precious. And if we’re being really honest, no one is going to spend their time visiting your brand website if they don’t have a very strong reason to do so.
Your website visitors are there because you have something they’re interested in. Last week it wasn’t on their radar. Next month may be too late. But right now, at this point in time, it’s very relevant to them.
What difference would it make to your lead generation and sales efforts if you knew who these visitors were, or knew the names of the companies they worked for?
What if you had the ability to engage with them at the time they are interested in your services or product offerings and could start a dialog?
We may have the answer for how your brand website can be a better lead generation machine.
We recently came across a tech solution that we’ve been been testing for our own new business efforts and so far we like what we see. I’m sharing this with you because I think it can help you identify new leads, possibly shorten your overall sales cycle, and help convert web visitors into customers.
During our demo trial period:
- We had better visibility into who was visiting our website. The time and date they visited and the company they work for.
- We were able to identify their title, function and who else works in that department.
- We know where they’re located (Country, State and City) right down to the full mailing address of the company’s head office, along with their industry, employee count, main phone number, and how long they’ve been in business.
- We could see the content they viewed and how many of their colleagues also visited our website, along with what they looked at and how many times they came back.
- We were able to look for potential contacts by department — allowing us to reach out to these previously unknown visitors and/or their company and make a relevant warm introduction.
- This insight has allowed us to start conversations with people who are (at this point in time) looking for help and a solution to their problem.
While this may sound a bit like ‘big brother’, these insights are limited to web visitors from companies and organizations. Information on visitors using their home ISP don’t show up, so for strictly consumer businesses this may not be ideal. But for B2B businesses, there’s clearly a huge benefit to knowing who’s visiting your site and what they’re looking at.
We may still not have control over the buying process, but we’re now able to be part of more conversations and the solution. Not everyone will respond and that’s okay, but now, fewer opportunities will be lost and we can help more companies and brands with their marketing needs.
As a marketing agency our mission is to help our clients increase their leads, sales, and marketshare.
We thought this solution would be of interest to you. If you’d like to learn more about our experience with this tech, or to see what leads are hiding in your web traffic, give us call at 612 349 2711 or send us an email—we’ll be happy set up a time to chat and help schedule a demo for you.
The buying journey is complicated and the process of buying has changed. Check out Gartner’s new report: The New B2B Buying Journey and see how you can benefit by helping your buyers… buy.